for grasshoppers in your pastures and home landscapes where they will feed on
shrubs, flowers, and grasses. If you’ve
treated for grasshoppers in the past, you realize the importance of treating
while they are small to prevent treating the adults later in the season. Once they become adults, they are able to
migrate, making control much more difficult.
There are a number of products labeled
for grasshopper control in pastures.
- Prevathon by DuPont. Safe, no signal word on the label. Effective, has significant residual effects on grasshoppers and fall armyworms both. No pesticide applicators license required. No haying or grazing restrictions and only a 4-hour re-entry interval after application.
- Malathion will provide a quick kill, but offers no residual effects
- Sevin 805 will control grasshoppers and has some residual control for grasshoppers migrating into an area.
- Mustang Max is another good option for forages and hay production. Be sure to read the label for grazing and haying restrictions. Good coverage is a must to achieve effective results; apply 12-15 gallons of water per acre to guarantee good coverage.
home owners a carbaryl bait may be an option. The following recipe has provided
good results in orchards, fence rows, and around home landscapes.
1. 19
pounds of wheat bran
2. One
quart of Sevin XLR
3. One
gallon of molasses
4. Sufficient
water to make a moist mash
5. Mix
with rubber gloves
6. Spread
mixture in 2 to 3 table spoon clumps
7. Apply
bait to open areas (grasshoppers won’t be able to find the bait in tall grass
or weeds)
8. Start
applying bait when nymphs (young wingless grasshoppers) are observed
more information please call the Wise County Extension office at 627-3341.
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