Friday, January 8, 2016

Make Ahead Meals to the Rescue

With advance meal preparation serving a hot meal will not require a hectic cooking rampage in the kitchen or a trip to the local fast food establishment.
One easy method of freezing foods – including liquid foods such as soups and stews – to freeze them in freezer bags. Following are some general freezing tips, followed by specific tips for freezing in freezer bags.
  • If you’re making extra food at one meal for future meals separate and refrigerate the portion to be served later BEFORE you put the food on the table. This keeps food quality higher by preventing “planned overs” from becoming “picked overs.” It also helps keep food safe.
  • Keep an appliance thermometer in your refrigerator and in your freezer to assure they stay at 40°F or lower (refrigerator) and 0°F (freezer).
Here is a brief list of foods that don’t freeze well:
  • Cabbage, celery, cress, cucumbers, endive lettuce parsley, radishes – become limp, water-logged and flavor changes after freezing. Exception would be marinated product such as freezer slaw or freezer pickles.
  • Cooked pasta and rice frozen alone for later use – become mushy and tastes warmed over.
  • Meringue – becomes soft, tough, and rubbery.
  • Cream or custard fillings – separates, become watery and lumpy.
  • Fried foods – lose crispness and become soggy.
  • Milk sauces – may curdle or separate
 Below is a recipe idea from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for a make ahead breakfast. Enjoy!  Merry Christmas to all!

Make Ahead Breakfast Burritos
8 Servings

Nonstick cooking spray
1 cup potatoes, diced (1 medium potato)
1/2 cup onions, diced (1/2 medium onion)
1 cup bell peppers, diced (1 medium pepper)
8 eggs, beaten
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup 2% fat cheddar cheese, shredded
8 flour tortillas (8”)

1. Spray a large skillet with cooking spray. Cook the potatoes for 6–10 minutes over medium heat.
2. Add onions and peppers to the potatoes. Cook for 3–4 minutes until the potatoes are browned.
3. Add beaten eggs to the vegetable mixture. Cook for 4–5 minutes over medium heat. Stir off and on until there is no liquid.
4. Stir in the garlic powder and pepper.
5. Roll up each burrito. Use 2 tablespoons of cheese and 1/2 cup of the egg mixture in each tortilla. Serve or freeze.
6. You can freeze the burritos. Wrap each burrito tightly in plastic wrap. Freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Seal wrapped burritos in a freezer bag when they are frozen.
To reheat the frozen burritos, remove the plastic wrap. Wrap burrito in a damp paper towel. Set microwave on medium power. Heat burrito for 3–4 minutes

Wash hands after handling raw eggs and before making burritos.
Wash vegetables under running water.
Add hot peppers, salsa, or cayenne pepper for a spicier burrito

Nutrient Facts: Serving Size-1 burrito; Calories-260; calories from fat-90; Cholesterol- 215 mg; sodium-450mg; Total Carbohydrates-30g; Dietary Fiber-2g; Protein-14g.

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