It has been a good year for weeds. Weeds cost ranchers in Texas millions of
dollars in lost production each year because they rob desirable forages of
moisture and nutrients. This is the time
of year we usually apply herbicides to our summer pastures for broad leaf weed
control and a few troublesome grasses.
With the ongoing drought it is even more important to utilize all the
moisture we have recently received towards forage production. The weather forecasters continue to predict
we are not done with the drought yet.
That magnifies the importance of producing maximum forage with limited
rainfall we receive.

are lucky in that several herbicide choices are out there that do not require a
pesticide applicator license for the purchase.
get questions every year about mowing weeds.
According to Texas A&M Trials, mowing cost $10 to $15 per acre, or
about the same as herbicide. One
difference, mowing doesn’t improve grass production since it won’t kill the
herbicide is used for grassbur control.
It is recommended as a post emerge application at about 1 oz. per
acre. No license is required.
you haven’t applied your weed killer yet, get a plan together to spray or contact
your custom applicator today to get on their list or get your sprayer
calibrated and ready for the next wind free day.
For more information please call Texas
A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Wise County at 940-627-3341.
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