of the problems I encounter in St. Augustine lawns each spring is yellowing or
chlorasis. At first it appears to be an iron deficiency, but applications of
iron don’t always correct the problem. The chlorosis may be due to a
combination of factors, including lack of iron and nitrogen and St. Augustine
Decline (SAD). SAD is caused by a virus that produces a chlorotic mottling
affect that is often mistaken for iron chlorosis. I have come to the conclusion
that most St. Augustine grass lawns are going to have some yellowing almost
every year.
best management practices for maintenance of St. Augustine grass lawns is one
of the best things a homeowner can do to prevent stress to the lawn. Remember,
many of the problems associated with the loss of St. Augustine turf are due to
stress. While we can’t control the weather, managing the St. Augustine lawn
properly will help reduce plant loss during periods of weather related stress.
St. Augustine grass water requirements can be higher than other varieties of grass.
Homeowners should evaluate the way they water their lawns. Deep watering less frequent watering will
allow grasses to develop deeper and healthier root systems.
is always key to maintaining healthy landscapes. The recommended rate of nitrogen for St.
Augustine grass growing in full sum is 3-4 pounds of actual N per 1000 square
feet per year. For shade areas, the
recommended rate is 1-2 pounds of actual N per 1000 square feet per year. Rates
of phosphorous and potassium should be determined by a soil test.
the first application after the lawn has been mowed a couple of times in the
spring. Then for a St. Augustine grass growing in full sun, fertilized once in
the summer and again in the fall. Shady areas should be fertilized once in the
spring and once in the fall for best results.
common problem in St. Augustine lawns is brown patch. Normally this disease
shows up in the fall. However, this disease has been reported in St Augustine
grass lawns throughout Texas in the spring each year. There are several
fungicides available locally that are labeled for brown patch control. While
brown patch doesn’t normally kill affected plants, it can weaken the affected
area and make them more susceptible to other stress problems such as freezing
temperatures or drought. Close observation of the affected area reveals leaves
with a rotted sheath, which means the leaf can easily be pulled from the
All Root Rot (TARR) can also be a major contributor to problems in St.
Augustine lawns. This fungus attacks the root system primarily in the fall and
spring months when soil temps are in the 60-65 degree range. Any factor that
causes stress to the turf will enhance the potential for TARR to become a
problem. TARR is characterized by brown leaf blades that are firmly attached,
brown stolons and a shortened root system that is brown to black in color.
Control can be difficult. Approved fungicides may help. Topdressing the
affected areas with sphagnum peat moss has also provided some control. Peat
moss must be watered in thoroughly to be effective.
homeowners looking to establish a home lawn needs to select a grass that will
be suited to the growing conditions in north Texas.
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